Affiliate program setups and launches

Free Affiliate Program Management/Consulting

With COVID-19 disrupting our daily routines and most (if not all) of us are now working remotely we need to establish new routines. For some of us, this means helping kids with school work since many schools are closed, making sure your family is healthy and safe and trying to get into a routine to complete your tasks for your job. We have had our daily routines at work (and home) disrupted, but working remotely doesn’t have to be negative or a struggle.

I understand the struggles first hand and that is why my company, Bearcat Media, is offering a solution to help you increase productivity and assisting in growing your affiliate program(s) during this uncertain time. I am sure many of your routines are thrown off and we want to help you get some sense of normalcy while working remotely for the foreseeable future.

For the next 30 days, we are offering free consulting and affiliate program management services to five (5) brands that may want or need it. This is our way of giving back and helping fellow marketers during this time. There are no strings attached or contracts to sign. We will provide our services to those that want/need it. This would include:

If you’re interested please email me at rick@bearcatmedia.com, click the contact button below, or call me at 973-255-9650 and we can have a discussion about it. Again, we are here to help and we will do it any way we can.

Stay safe!


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